Sales tax will be charged for shipments to the following states: CA, GA, KY, WA, LA, NJ, MI, RI, MA, NC, TN, IL, OH, and PA. Delivery will be delayed from our regular shipping schedule. Packer at his very best.Ĭase quantities only: USA orders will be drop-shipped directly from the publisher. Calls todays Christians to move from spiritual superficiality and follow.A29. Beautifully written, A Quest for Godliness is a moving and challenging exploration of Puritan life and thought. A moving and challenging exploration of the teachings and beliefs of the Puritans. The goal of theological Bible reading is not just to know truth about God (though one’s quest for godliness must start there) but to know God. In a time of failing vision and decaying values, this powerful portrait of the Puritans is a beacon of hope that calls us to radical commitment and action, both desperately needed today. The Quest for Godliness Theology is for doxology, that is, glorifying God by praise and thanks, by obedient holiness, and by laboring to extend God’s kingdom, church, and cultural influence. The Puritans’ faith, Packer argues, stands in marked contrast with the superficiality of modern western Christianity. He examines the Puritan view of the Bible, spiritual gifts, the Sabbath, worship, social action, and the family.

Drawing on a lifetime of study, Packer surveys the lives and teachings of great Puritan leaders such as John Owen, Richard Baxter, and Jonathan Edwards. A moving and challenging exploration of the teachings and beliefs of the Puritans. A Quest for Godliness explores the depth and breadth of Puritan spiritual life.